About Louis Pelingen
I am Louis Nathaniel A. Pelingen, a music journalist based in the Philippines who leans on music critique. Thus far, I’ve contributed review work for publications such as The Flying Lugaw and Listencorp. Still, I also make music review posts for my personal critiquing page named Review Side Docket.
My passion for writing was an unexpected affair, but I eventually honed on it as time passed. The process of writing a review or a personal writing gig has always been thrilling for me as it motivated me to not just be a writer but also a reader, consumer, and listener of what people have to say about certain things, music and otherwise. After all, in order to be better at writing, you’ll need to sharpen the way you think and open yourself up to the possibilities.
For job inquiries, please contact me through the contact form on the contact page or through my socials down below. It would be lovely to work alongside you.